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Studying in Italy – University Enrolments and Applications for Study Visas






For the Academic Year 2024/2025, the academic courses of Higher Education for which pre-enrolment is possible through the UNIVERSITALY portal ( are as follows:

  • Bachelor’s, Master’s degree courses (two-year or single-cycle),
  • Courses of the Institutions of High Artistic Musical and Choreography Education (AFAM),
  • Courses provided by the Higher Schools of Linguistic Mediation (SSML),
  • Marco Polo and Turandot international mobility programs,
  • Courses from graduate schools,
  • PhDs,
  • Postgraduate courses
  • First and second level university master’s degrees
  • Single courses
  • Italian language and culture courses at the University for Roma Tre studies, the University for Foreigners of Perugia, of Siena, of Reggio Calabria “Dante Alighieri”
  • Propaedeutic courses (Foundation Course)
  • Courses provided by the Institutes of Specialization in Psychotherapy.

outside the UNIVERSITALY portal

  • Post-Diploma Technical Specialization courses organized by Higher Technical Institutes (ITS). For enrolment in such courses, the student will have to pre-enrol directly with the chosen Institute.
  • As known, pre-enrolment for undergraduate or postgraduate level courses at Pontifical Universities, private universities or Institutes of Higher Education not accredited with the MUR (Ministry of University and Research) will also be out of the Universitaly portal. For the relevant procedures for requesting the Nulla Osta (No Impediment) from DGDP IV and the lists of institutions for which the Nulla Osta is to be considered acquired, Ministerial Messages No. 134766 of July 24, 2017 and No. 173485 of 10/27/2022 are available and can be consulted in the MAENET Ministerial Messages collection – Practical Guide for Visa Offices under “Entry Visas: Study – Matriculation.

  2. Timetable for submission of entry visa applications.

As in past Academic Years, due to the autonomy of educational institutions, individual Universities determine the timing of enrolment independently. However, entry visa applications should be submitted according to the following timetable:

 No later than Nov. 30, 2024

  • bachelor’s degree, master’s degree (two-year or single-cycle) courses
  • to single academic courses
  • courses of the Institutions of High Musical and Coreutic Artistic Education (AFAM)
  • courses of the Higher Schools of Linguistic Mediation (SSML),
  • Marco Polo and Turandot international mobility programs
  • courses provided by the Institutes of Specialization in Psychotherapy.

  Any time of the year in conjunction with the beginning of the chosen course

  • university master’s degrees
  • doctorates
  • graduate schools, Italian language and culture,
  • foundation Course
  • post-diploma technical specialization courses organized by Higher Technical Institutes (ITS).


Visa for STUDY/University Matriculation (National Type D visa) multiple entries:

This type of visa is reserved for foreign students enrolling in the following academic courses:

  • Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree of two-year duration or single-cycle degree of five-year or six-year duration;
  • Academic courses at institutions of Higher Education in Art, Music and Dance (“AFAM”);
  • To students whose pre-registration on the Universitaly portal has been successful and who will not have to take admission and/or language proficiency tests, these venues will issue a type “D” multipleentry visa for STUDY “University Matriculation”, lasting 365 days, upon verification that they meet the requirements set forth in point 4 of this compendium.
  • Students who, on the contrary, will have to take admission tests or language tests, will still be issued a visa an entry visa for a type “D” multiple-entry visa for STUDY “University Matriculation”, but with validity until 31.01.2024 (or in any case with a duration of not less than 100 days).

Within 8 working days of entry into Italy, foreign students in possession of this type of visa must apply for a residence permit for STUDENT reasons, forwarding the application to the competent Questura (Police headquarters), using the appropriate kit, through the Post Offices or, where available, using specific desks activated at institutions of higher education.

Students who have passed the admission tests, subsequent to matriculation in their chosen university course, must apply to the territorially competent Questura (Police headquarters) for renewal of their residence permit for the entire academic year.

Visa for STUDY (Schengen Uniform Visa Type C)

This visa will be issued in the event that the Institution of Higher Education provides for the performance of the admission and Italian language proficiency tests in periods prior to the candidates’ obtaining the local qualification required for enrollment in the chosen course.

The validity of the visa will be commensurate with the needs of the non-EU student to take the aforementioned selection tests, subject to verification that the conditions and requirements for this type of visa are met.

If the student has passed the aforementioned tests and has duly returned to his or her country of origin, obtaining the qualification necessary for university matriculation, the competent diplomatic-consular Representation will issue a visa for STUDY/University matriculation or a visa for STUDY/post-graduate studies, depending on the type of course chosen.

STUDY/postgraduate visa (National type D Visa) multiple entries

This type of visa will be issued to foreign students enrolling in the following academic courses:

  • graduate or postgraduate courses
  • doctoral programs
  • first- and second-level university master’s degrees.

The duration of the visa will be commensurate with the duration of the course.

Visa for STUDY/university single course (short stay visa type C or National visa type D) multiple entries

This type of visa will be issued to foreign students enrolling in “single courses” or “internships” organized by the universities/AFAM.

The duration of the visa will be commensurate with the duration of the course, and the student will not be able to obtain a renewal of the residence permit for the purpose of continuing his or her studies to attend an additional single course other than the one that made his or her entry into Italy possible.

STUDY/Language Visa (short-stay visa type C or National visa type D) multiple entries

Foreign students enrolling in academic-level Italian language and culture courses established by the Universities for Foreigners of Perugia, Siena, “Dante Alighieri” of Reggio Calabria, as well as the Roma Tre University, will be issued a visa for study/language, in accordance with the provisions of Article 44-bis of Presidential Decree 394/1999, which stipulates that foreign citizens over the age of 18 may enter Italy in order to pursue higher courses of study or technical/professional education, provided that they are full-time, of fixed duration and consistent with the training acquired in the country of origin.

The attention of such university venues is drawn to the fact that enrollment in courses for learning and perfecting the Italian language organized by public institutions or private schools other than the aforementioned will not take place through the UNIVERSITALY portal.

As for the requirements for the issuance of the entry visa, for both of the above-mentioned types of courses, as usual reference should be made, to art. 44bis paragraph 2 letter a) of Presidential Decree 394/1999 (adults who intend to follow courses at a higher level, full-time and of fixed duration verified the consistency between the course to be followed and the training acquired in the country of origin).

STUDY/other visa (short-stay visa type C national visa type D) multiple entries

This visa will be issued to enable attendance at “foundation courses.” These are preparatory courses organized by Institutions of Higher Education to fill certain admission requirements for courses at Universities or Institutions of Higher Education in Art and Music.

The duration of the visa will be commensurate with the duration of the course. A careful assessment of the consistency between the chosen course and the applicant’s previous studies is recommended, as well as the possession of a qualification equal to or higher than a high school diploma and adequate knowledge of the language in which the course will be delivered, in accordance with the provisions of Article 44-bis of Presidential Decree 394/1999, which stipulates that foreign citizens of age may enter Italy in order to follow higher courses of study or technical-professional education, provided they are full-time, of a fixed duration and consistent with the training acquired in the country of origin.



The final decision on the issuance of a study visa is the exclusive responsibility of your DiplomaticConsular Representations.

The validation of the application for pre-enrollment in a course of study and the related documentation produced by the Institutions of Higher Education is to be considered in support of the procedures for the evaluation of the study visa, and does not automatically imply its issuance, since, in addition to verifying the possession of the requirements listed below, these venues must also assess the absence of the student’s migration risk (D.I. 850/2011 art. 4 paragraph 2).


a) Successful validation of the pre-enrollment on the Universitaly portal by the University/AFAM/IFS.

i) Students admitted with reservations: the visa will be issued only if the student meets the requirements listed below and only in the case where he/she must take the tests for admission to the course in Italy. In all other cases, the University/AFAM/IFS will have to lift the reservation before issuing the visa.

(b) Economic means of subsistence for the intended stay.

i) The means of subsistence whose ownership must be demonstrated by the student are quantified at 467.65 euros per month (equivalent to 6,079.45 euros annually), for each month of the duration of the academic year (INPS Circular No. 197 of 23/12/2021).

ii) These are minimum economic requirements, the availability of which in Italy must be proven by means of personal or parental economic resources, or made available by foreign citizens or Italians legally residing in Italy or provided by Italian Institutions and Institutions of established credit, including Universities, or by local Governments or by foreign Institutions and Institutions considered reliable by the Italian Diplomatic Representation.

(iii) The presentation of cash is not suitable for the demonstration of this requirement.

(iiii) The availability of the means of subsistence and the suitability of any guarantees presented shall be assessed by the Headquarters in relation to the local context. The nominal value of the current account balance at the time of the visa application (which could derive from a one-time or ad hoc deposit) is not exhaustive, but will have to be accompanied by an assessment of merit, relating to the overall economic situation of the student’s family, or of the guarantor residing in Italy, which must be suitable to ensure with certainty and on a monthly basis the sum necessary for subsistence in Italy

(iiiii) In case of scholarships from the Italian government: The mere application does not constitute a document of economic coverage, therefore the student will have to produce a document of economic coverage in the same way as other “D” visa applicants for study/matriculation.

(c) Availability of the sum needed for repatriation.

The availability of the economic availability needed for repatriation is in addition to the minimum requirement of 6,079.45 euros per year and can also be proven by showing the return ticket.

(d) Availability of suitable accommodation in the national territory.

The student must prove that he or she has a valid hotel reservation for the first period, or a rental contract already signed, a suitable declaration of hospitality, or the availability of accommodation at a university residence.

(e) Insurance coverage

The student must have adequate insurance coverage for medical treatment and hospitalization (Art. 39 c.3 T.U. No. 286/1998 and Directive 01.03.2000 of the Ministry of the Interior), which must also be shown when applying for the residence permit. For this purpose, the following formulas are allowed:

(i) consular statement certifying the right to health care arising from agreement between Italy and the country of origin;

(ii) foreign insurance policy, accompanied by consular declaration on its validity in Italy, its duration and the forms of assistance provided, which shall not involve limitations or exceptions to the rates established for urgent hospitalization for its entire duration;

(iii) insurance policy with National Institutions or companies, the policy must be accompanied by a statement from the insurer specifying that there are no limitations or exceptions to the rates charged for urgent hospitalization throughout its duration.

(f) Educational qualifications

i) The evaluation of foreign educational qualifications for the purpose of enrollment in academic courses is the sole responsibility of the Universities/AFAM/Higher Education Institutes. The pre-enrollment application will clearly state whether or not, in the judgment of the Institution of Higher Education, it is necessary to produce a statement of value issued by these Institutions. Should the Institution deem the declaration of value to be necessary, the endorsement may be issued only upon acquisition of the latter.

As an alternative to the declaration of value, the Higher Education Institution may use the attestation on the validity of the degree issued by an ENIC (European Network of Information Centres in the European Region) – NARIC (National Academic Recognition Information Centres in the European Union) center, which in Italy is the CIMEA Association.

 i.i.) The student must present the original of the qualification required by the Institute of Higher Education for attending the chosen course (or substitute certificate for all legal purposes).

(g) Language certification

(i) Academic courses in Italian. Adequate knowledge of Italian is required for enrollment in higher education courses taught in Italian. As a rule, possession of this requirement is verified (preferably remotely) by the University and certified in the pre-enrollment application. The student may also demonstrate adequate knowledge of Italian through the presentation of certifications attesting to this knowledge.

If it is not possible to obtain such certification, the Representations may request similar certification issued by entities deemed locally reliable, without prejudice to the need for the student to pass the required mandatory language exam at the chosen Italian Higher Education Institution.

In the event that the foreign student is unable to produce such certifications, or in case of doubt as to the authenticity of the documentation presented, the venue will deliver to the student a rejection notice pursuant to Art. 10 bis L. 241/90.

It is emphasized that the preliminary assessment of adequate knowledge of Italian is of particular relevance for diplomatic-consular Representations operating in countries with a high risk of illegal immigration.

(ii) Academic courses in a foreign language. Normally, knowledge of the foreign language in which the course will be delivered is verified (preferably remotely) by the University and certified in the pre-enrollment application. However, if the University has not carried out such verification, at the time of the visa application the student must produce appropriate certification attesting to knowledge of the language in which the course will be delivered not less than level B2 of the Council of Europe.


As of the entry into force of the MAECI-MEF Inter-Ministerial Decree of February 15, 2016 (amendment of the Table referred to in Article 64 of Legislative Decree February 3, 2011, in implementation of Article 1.621 of Law No. 208 of December 28, 2015), a fee of 50 euros will be applied to all applications for national visas for “study”.


i) The venue must always indicate on the Universitaly portal that the entry visa has been issued or denied.

ii) After the student’s entry into Italy, the Universities/AFAMs/Higher Education Institutes must indicate on the Universitaly portal the student’s matriculation. By the month of December 2023, the Headquarters must carry out a reconnaissance between the visas issued and the matriculations that have actually taken place, reporting to this Visa Unit and to the competent Police Headquarters the names of the students who, despite having received an entry visa, have not matriculated, also indicating the Ateneo/AFAM/IFS to which they had pre-registered.


(a) Students waiting for their first residence permit who need to return to Italy

For students enrolled in a university course and awaiting the issuance of their first residence permit, the regulations do not allow the issuance of a re-entry visa.

However, in exceptional cases, in accordance with Ministry of the Interior Circular No. 400/A/2009/P/1164/12.214.39 of March 2, 2009 (issued by Ministerial Message 306/91358 of March 16, 2009), diplomatic-consular Representations, subject to clearance from the competent Police Headquarters, may issue a re-entry visa.

(b) Students awaiting renewal of residence permits who need to return Italy

Foreign students in possession of the receipt (postal) of application for renewal of residence permit are allowed to re-enter Italy without the need to obtain a visa and without further formalities, provided that they enter directly from an Italian external border without transiting through other Schengen countries.

(c) Students who resume their studies in Italy after an interruption or after attending courses at other universities abroad.

Students who have already matriculated at an Italian university but have temporarily suspended their studies may find themselves in the condition of having an expired and/or non-renewed residence permit. A similar circumstance also occurs in the case of foreign students regularly enrolled at an Italian university who, in application of multilateral student mobility agreements between universities, have to attend semester or annual courses abroad.

They therefore apply to the Visa Offices to obtain a new entry visa to resume and continue their academic careers.

Such applications present special difficulties in handling. Indeed, study visas cannot be issued for years following the year of matriculation. It should be considered, however, that a student who has already matriculated in previous years cannot by law be re-registered, unless he or she submits a waiver of studies to the University (in which case, however, he or she would lose his or her previous academic career).

In order not to penalize already enrolled students who for justified reasons find themselves in the situations described above, the student may be allowed to submit to the Visa Office the certificate of regular enrollment in the respective academic year (accompanied by the regular payment of university fees) with the list of university exams taken, and his/her own reasoned letter (possibly supported by appropriate documentation) that corroborates the reasons for the suspension of studies or proves the attendance of courses at other universities as part of the main academic course. The Office, having verified the existence of the student’s condition, will forward with a supporting Explanatory Note the documentation submitted by the person concerned to the Police Headquarters that had originally issued the residence permit, requesting clearance for the issuance of a re-entry visa.

(d) Students who entered Italy on a study/registration visa and subsequently renounced their studies.

Students who have renounced their studies, should they wish to enroll in a new degree course, must return to their country of origin and apply for a new study/registration visa, as they cannot use the residence permit they had obtained in relation to the degree course for which they renounced their studies.


With regard to the possible need for technical assistance for the use of the UNIVERSITALY platform, these offices can open a report through the link