Reason: Visa for Digital Nomads and remote workers
Type: National Visa
Duration: more than 90 days
Forms: Application Form for National Visa
List of documents to be presented at the Embassy:
The visa for digital nomads and remote workers is intended for foreign nationals who intend to carry out a highly qualified work activity in Italy in accordance with Art. 27 quater paragraph 1 of Dlg 286/98. The visa is intended for the so-called “digital nomads,” i.e., self-employed foreigners who will carry out activities through the use of technological tools that will allow them to work remotely or “remote workers” i.e., those who, through the use of technological tools that allow them to work remotely, will carry out subordinate or collaborative work activities in accordance with the modalities set forth in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree No. 81 of June 15, 2015.
It is remembered that, third-country nationals who are exempt from visa requirements must apply for the Digital Nomad or Remote Worker visa when crossing the external borders of Schengen area member States for stays that do not exceed 90 days within a 180-day period.
How to apply for a visa
Applications must be submitted at least 15 days before the travel date. Processing of applications can take up to 90 days for remote workers and 120 days for digital nomads. An incomplete application may be rejected or require longer processing time.
On the day of the appointment, the applicant has to provide the following documents:
- Application form duly completed and signed;
- A valid passport (and a copy) that meets the following criteria:
- validity must be at least three months longer than the requested visa;
- Must contain at least two blank pages;
- must have been issued within the past 10 years;
- A recent color, passport-size photo on a white background, dated less than 6 months;
- Copy of valid Singapore Stay Permit (PR, EP, S Pass, etc..);
- Copy of any previous Schengen or type “D” visas;
- When applying for a visa, both “digital nomads” and “remote workers” will have to prove:
- (a) to be highly skilled workers in accordance with Art. 27c paragraph 1 of Dlg 286/98. To this end, the applicant must submit appropriate documentation alternatively certifying:
- Possession of a tertiary level higher education qualification (issued by a competent university in the country where it was obtained) attesting to the completion of a higher education course of at least three years’ duration or a post-secondary level vocational qualification of at least three years’ duration or corresponding to at least level 6 of the National Qualifications Framework referred to in the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of January 8, 2018, on “Establishment of the National Framework of Qualifications issued under the National System of Certification of Competencies referred to in Legislative Decree No. 13 of January 16, 2013” published in the Official Gazette No. 20 of January 25, 2018;
- Possession of the requirements set forth in Legislative Decree No. 206 of November 6, 2007, limited to the practice of regulated professions: Possession of these requirements must be attested prior to the visa application by one of the Italian Authorities indicated in Article 5 of Legislative Decree No. 206 of November 6, 2007, (see List of Regulated Professions and Competent Authorities – ). For the purpose of the visa, the applicant will therefore have to produce a copy of the aforementioned certificate.
- Possession of a higher professional qualification attested by at least five years of professional experience at a level comparable to tertiary level higher education qualifications, relevant to the profession or field specified in the labor contract or binding offer; To prove the possession of this requirement, the applicant must submit the following documents issued by Public Authorities in the country where such experience was obtained (e.g. Chamber of Commerce, Municipality, relevant Public Authorities, Social Security Institutions, etc.):
- identification data of the enterprise and the specific business sector in which the enterprise operates or has operated;
- The position held by the person in the enterprise (owner, partner, employee);
- Copy of employment contract and/or copies of pay slips related to the period of work performed (at least two for each year declared);
- Employer’s attestation with a description of experience gained within the company and indication of start and end dates.
- Possession of a higher professional qualification attested by at least three years of relevant professional experience acquired during the seven years preceding the submission of the application, if the applicant is a manager or specialist in the field of information and communication technology under ISCO-08 Classification No. 133 and No. 25.
- (a) to be highly skilled workers in accordance with Art. 27c paragraph 1 of Dlg 286/98. To this end, the applicant must submit appropriate documentation alternatively certifying:
The documentation referred to in points i) ii) and iiii), issued by authorities/subjects NOT belonging to EU countries must be submitted in certified true document (or a true copy of the original), after being legalized by the Italian Embassy/Consulate of the country in which the document originated or Apostilled by the competent Authorities and accompanied by the Italian language translation. The translation must be certified as true to the original text.
In particular, with reference to the higher education degree and related tertiary level professional qualification, referred to in point 1, in place of the Declaration of Value it is possible to present the ‘certificate of comparability issued by the Center for Information on Mobility and Academic Equivalences (CIMEA).
- (b) To have a minimum annual income from lawful sources of not less than three times the minimum level provided for exemption from participation in health care expenses, which is approximately 8,500 euros; For this purpose, interested parties should produce:
- Pay slips of the past 3 months;
- Bank statements of the past 3 months for a bank account in his name in Singapore from which the salary is clearly visible;
- Last 3 months’ bank statements from a personal or parental international credit card;
- c) To have health insurance for medical treatment and hospitalization valid for the national territory and for the stay period;
- (d) To have suitable accommodation in Italy. To this end, interested parties may submit:
- Lease agreement for an apartment, duly registered;
- e) To have at least six months of prior experience in the work activity to be performed as a digital nomad or remote worker.
- “Remote workers” will also have to submit:
- the employment or collaboration contract or the related binding offer for the performance of a work activity that requires the possession of one of the requirements of Article 27 – quater, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree No. 286 of July 25, 1998. The amount of annual remuneration, as derived from the employment contract or the binding offer, must not be less than the remuneration provided for in the national collective agreements stipulated by comparatively more representative trade unions at national level, and in any case not less than the average gross annual remuneration as surveyed by ISTAT (Italian National Institute of Statistics) and available by clicking here;
- a statement signed by the employer, accompanied by a copy of a valid identification document, attesting to the absence of any convictions against him, in the last 5 years, for offenses referred to in Article 22, paragraph 5- bis of the Immigration Law (D.lgs 286/1998);
- Copy of a confirmed air travel reservation;
- The equivalent of € 116 (one hundred sixteen euros) in Singapore Dollars (SGD) for the payment of consular fees. It will be possible to make the payment in cash or via NETS with a surcharge of SGD 0.60;
The stay permit must be applied for directly at the Police Headquarters of the province where the foreigner is located within 8 (eight) working days of entering the Country, even if the visa is for less than 90 days.
For the purpose of applying for a stay permit, the foreigner must show the original documentation submitted at the time of visa application endorsed by the consular diplomatic representation.
If necessary, the Embassy may request additional documents and/or a personal interview. Submission of all required documents does not guarantee obtaining a visa.
The above information may be subject to change without a prior notice. No responsibility is accepted for the consequences of such changes.