The “FAST-IT” portal (Farnesina-online services to Italians abroad) is the platform for online services, which allows the applicant to present the AIRE registration application, to communicate the change of residential address and to view one’s registration details.
It is possible to access the portal through the following link:
It is necessary to create an account when you access the portal for the first time.
Registration to FAST-IT portal
- Connect to:;
- Register: You will be requested to confirm that you hold the Italian citizenship and to enter an email address and a password (from a minimum of 8 to a maximum of 16 letters, with at least one capital letter, one number and one special character);
- Activate the account: You will be requested to confirm that you hold the Italian citizenship and to enter an email address and a password (from a minimum of 8 to a maximum of 16 letters, with at least one capital letter, one number and one special character). Please, pay attention to the fact that the automated email sent from the portal to your email account may end up in the SPAM mailbox.
- The possibility to have access to consular services online by using the credentials of the Public System Digital Identity (SPID). The SPID credentials can be also used to access online consular services on “FAST-IT” portal. For more information on how to obtain SPID credentials, please, go to: You can read HERE the FAQ on FAST IT – SPID. Following the conversion into law of Legislative Decree 183/2020, cd. “Milleproroghe Decree”, the deadline of 28 February 2021 for the exclusive release by the PA of the SPID and CIE credentials for the purposes of identification and network access, and already extended for offices abroad to 30 September 2021, it has been extended by a further 15 months until 31 December 2022. Those who have their own credentials will be able to continue using them until 31 March 2023 to access the network services of the Public Administration.
AIRE registration via FAST-IT portal
- After having activated the account, you have to login the system to fill in the AIRE registration form online by selecting the service AIRE registration request (Richiedi l’iscrizione all’AIRE);
- Subsequently, you will have to fill in the required fields, print, sign, scan and upload the form on the portal together with a copy of the following documents:
- copy of your Italian passport (pages 2, 3, 4 and 5) or copy of a valid Italian Identity Card;
- front and back copy of your Singapore Pass valid for more than 12 months (Employment Pass, Dependant Pass, etc ..):
- Copy of the pages of the tenancy agreement indicating the name, the residential address in Singapore, the duration of the agreement, the signatures of the tenant and the property landlord.
In the case of registering family members, the Italian citizen shall present the request for the registration of other family members who live at the same address (for example: the spouse, the children). Anyway, it is recommended that each adult member of the family fill in a registration form to allow more complete data to be sent to the Municipality in Italy. Even in the case of a foreign spouse, it is recommended to attach a photocopy of the identity document of him or her.
- At the end of the procedure, the request will be sent to the Consular Chancellery: an operator will take charge of the application and, once checked that it is complete, will forward it to the Municipality of origin in Italy (In fact, the AIRE is kept at the Italian municipalities by law). While waiting for the reply of the Municipality, you are still automatically registered in the consular registry of the consulate in charge. The status of “registered in AIRE” is obtained once the Consulate has received confirmation from the Municipality of your AIRE registration. In the event that the file is lacking in information or documents, or necessary corrections or additions, it will be returned to the applicant.
Change of address in Singapore
After registering on Fast It portal, it is possible, if you are already registered with AIRE, to communicate the new residential address. The request will be sent to our Consular Registry which will make the requested changes and communicate them to your AIRE registration municipality. Please, communicate your address correctly and completely. We remind you that the failure to update the address information makes it impossible to contact you and to receive the electoral envelope in case of voting.
View of the registration data sheet
The service of ” View the Registration Data Sheet “, which shows a summary of the data saved in the registration data sheet of our Consular Registry records, allows the user to check the coherence of the data to his actual situation. In case of inconsistency of the residential address, the user can request a correction through the “Residence Change Service”, via “Fast-It” portal.
Technical information for the access and use of the platform
For the correct registration and subsequent completion of the AIRE registration form on FAST-IT portal, please, read the instructions
In case of technical problems, the registration request form has to be sent by email ( or by post, as it is not possible to provide personalized technical support.
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