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Medical, Consular and Body Repatriation

Medical Repatriation

In the case of sick persons who need hospitalization in Italy, the Diplomatic-Consular Representation invites family members to identify a medical facility in which the compatriot will be hospitalized once he/she arrives in Italy. In case of difficulty, the Diplomatic-Consular Representation can request from the Prefecture to identify the health facility.

The Diplomatic-Consular Representation must also obtain a medical certificate, in which it is confirmed that the Italian citizen is in a position to undertake the trip (the so-called “patient air transport”).

For medical repatriations, a subsidy can be granted in favor of indigent compatriots permanently resident in the foreign country, or a loan with a promise of restitution in favor of fellow countrymen passing through in a state of temporary poverty, for the return to Italy on airliners (by using, if necessary, the stretcher service and a medical escort on board).

For compatriots affected by diseases, which do not enable them to sign the promise of restitution, if the relatives cannot provide for repatriation, medical documentation of temporary inability to understand and want must be acquired.

Consular repatriation

The Consular Representation, in collaboration with the territorially Italian bodies in charge (Prefectures, Police Headquarters, Municipalities, Local Health Authorities, Social Services), provides for the definitive repatriation of Italian citizens residing abroad who are in serious conditions of poverty and of Italian minors in state of abandonment.

The repatriation is subject to verification of the willingness of the relatives to assume in Italy the responsibilities associated with the maintenance and assistance of the returnee. In the absence of this willingness, repatriation is coordinated with the Social Services of the Municipality of last residence or origin in Italy, or through the use of regional funds.

The repatriation of abandoned minors is carried out at the expense of the Treasury, in agreement with the Juvenile Court in charge and the Social Services of the Municipality of residence.

Body Repatriation

The Diplomatic-Consular Representations provide assistance in the event of the repatriation of the bodies of Italian citizens who have died abroad.
In this context, they request authorization from the Italian municipality for the burial of the body or ashes, if the death occurred in one of the countries that have not ratified the Berlin Convention of 1937, and issue a mortuary passport.
In order to obtain the mortuary passport, the applicant must go to the Consular Office and produce the following documentation: death certificate; certificate from the local health authority in charge showing that specific hygiene and safety requirements have been observed; a certificate attesting the death in an area free from infectious and endemic diseases. Funeral agencies usually assist family members in collecting documentation.

The States that have ratified the Berlin Convention concerning the transport of bodies are: Austria, Belgium, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland and Turkey.