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The Embassy of Italy in Singapore is pleased to highlight

The screening of the Italian film

“MY BROTHER CHASES DINOSAURS” (Mio fratello rincorre i dinosauri)

by Stefano Cipani

at MINDS Film Festival 2020

on Saturday, 18 January 2020   |   6.50pm    |    Shaw Lido

Tickets on sale at Shaw Lido Cinema. To purchase CLICK HERE


Jack always wanted a little brother, and when Gio is born, he believes his parents when they tell him that Gio is a superhero with amazing powers. As he grows up, however, Jack realizes that his brother actually has Down syndrome, a condition that Jack decides to keep a secret from his high school friends. When the truth comes out, Jack learns that his brother’s energy, vitality, and unique perspective can indeed change the world—just like a superhero.

Rating: NC16

In Italian with English Subtitles


In the last three years, MINDS has sought to broadcast powerful, interwoven stories that spark conversations and create awareness to support persons with intellectual disability (PWIDs) and those diagnosed with autism. The medium of film can powerfully and effectively personify and convey the values and beliefs of this community in a way that no media can.

Since its inception, the annual MINDS Film Festival has become a unique platform to showcase the meaningful narratives and uplifting possibilities that PWIDs experience.

For more information, please visit: