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Translation and legalization of documents

Vital records (birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate, etc.) issued by Singapore government and intended for registration at the relevant Italian municipality are translated free of charge by the Consular Office.

As far as other translations are concerned, the interested party may either provide them personally or contact one of the translators indicated in the attached list. The names listed are provided for information only and are not exhaustive. The Office cannot assume any responsibility for the outcome of any reports, which will be made on an entirely direct and private basis.

Since there is no sworn translator officially recognised by the legal system in Singapore, the consular office will check the translation before declaring that it conforms to the original language.

For more complex translations, it is suggested to consider contacting a sworn translator in Italy.

N.B.: the Consular Office only legalises translations made from Italian into English and vice versa.

To consult the list of translators, click here