Recognition of foreign divorce judgements
The Italian Private International Law N. 218/1995 lays down the general rule providing for the automatic enforcement in Italy of foreign judgments that comply with some basic requirements of compatibility with the Italian legal system.
The foreign judgements, duly authenticated and translated into Italian, can be filed for registration in Italy:
- Directly by the applicant, at the Italian Municipality in charge;
- Or at the Italian Consular Authority under whose jurisdiction the judgement was issued.
In any case it is advisable to contact in advance the territorially Diplomatic or Consular Office in charge for additional information and to be informed of further requirements that may have been laid down by possible bilateral or multilateral Agreements.
To apply for registration, applicants must book an appointment by using the online booking service “Prenot@mi“. At the appointment the applicant must:
- present a valid identity card/passport;
- fill in the application form for registration of divorce judgement;
- present a request to transmit the judgement in the form of a self-declaration rendered according to the provisions laid down in Art. 47 Presidential Decree No. 445/2000, certifying the existence of the requirements set forth in Art. 64 of Law No. 218/1995, stating that the judgement is not in contrast with other judgements pronounced by an Italian judge and that there is no trial pending before an Italian judge on the same case and between the same parties;
- A full copy of the judgement, in accordance with the requirements set forth in Art. 64, (Interim Judgement and Final Judgement issued by The Family Justice Courts of Singapore) duly legalized by the Singapore Academy of Law and translated into Italian.
Email :
Main Line: +65 62506022
Fax : +65 62587237 – 62533301
Opening hours to the public: (by appointment only)
Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 09:30 – 11:30 am
Tuesday & Thursday : 02:00 – 03:30 pm
Appointment Booking: PRENOT@MI
Divorce-related Forms: Application for registering a divorce judgement