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The Legislative Decree 71/2011 grants the Consular Authority the powers and functions of Maritime Authority with respect to ships flying the Italian flag and the seafarers embarked thereon. These powers are exercised in compliance with national maritime legislation and international agreements.

The main activities carried out by this Embassy in maritime matters are:

– Issue of documents for ships flying the Italian flag in the ports of this consular district;
– Regularizing embarkations/disembarkations of maritime crew working on Italian ships;
– Administrative fulfillments such as arming and disarming of Italian ships abroad, nationalization of foreign ships, decommissioning of the flag of Italian ships;
– Issue of temporary passavanti and log books;
– Issue/renewal/extension of safety certificates.

In addition to the activities listed here above, this Embassy issues endorsements of certificates of competency obtained in Singapore, to seafarers who are to embark on ships flying the Italian flag, and authenticates the landing declarations of Italian seafarers, registered in the National Maritime Compartments, who sail on ships flying the British flag.

Access to navigation services is by appointment only via the website:

For any related information, please contact the Consular Office by e-mail to: